
Suppose if you earn income subject to U.S. withholding tax, the due date for submitting your tax return shall be 15 April of the following year. If you did not earn taxable wages during the year, the due date for filing your tax return is 15 June of the following year. Your Form 1040NR or Form 1040NR-EZ must be forwarded to the Department of Finance, Internal Revenue Service, Austin TX 73301. For more detail, see IRS Publication 519.
FBAR stands for report of foreign banks and financial accounts. This is a statement of your international financial information. Taxes on these properties do not have to be charged. Taxes are charged only on wages. FBAR shall be filed if one has a foreign bank account or other foreign financial accounts and the cumulative value of such accounts exceeds $10,000. The FBAR must be filed by 30 June; there really is no extension for the FBAR filing date, but an update can be filed if appropriate. Judicial and criminal sanctions shall be levied for infringement, whether it is deliberate or not.
You can call the IRS on its toll-free line at 800-829-1040. To be able to respond, you should have your Social Security number, your filing status and your refund or payment due. Allow 4 to 6 weeks before you contact the IRS.
Taxes can be paid electronically to the IRS by using the ACH direct debit format. With this approach, taxes can be easily withdrawn for your savings account or check at the date you mentioned. Moreover, you can even do e-pay through your credit card as well. If you pay by credit card, you will postpone out-of-pocket expenses and can receive miles, rewards or money back from your credit card issuer. Payment by check or by money order is appropriate. Your return can be e-filed at any time before April 15, and then you can post your payment at a later date-for as long as possible.
In order to claim your child as the dependent, they should pass the child qualifying child test. To meet the child qualifying test, your child should be younger than you in the following year, or if the student should have completed 24 years. If the child meets the qualifying relative test, there is no age limit for your child to claim as your dependent. Irrespective of the both the tests, you can just claim a dependency exemption for your child in order to meet the following tests
  • Dependency taxpayer test
  • Citizen or resident test
  • Joint return test